Remembering the ancient skill of healing with herbs no matter how big or small the issue is has been profound in. my life. Crafting these simple herbal medicines in my kitchens has brought in so much healing, clarity, beauty, wonder, TRUST and Sovereignty. Enjoy the remembrance and journey living with and engaging with our natural world and herbs gifts us! My intention is to allow these simple ancient practices of medicine making and natural healing to ignite the remembrance of self-healing and infinite innate wisdom, wonder and beauty within you. The first month which covers the foundations and all the basics you need to start integrating and crafting these healing herbal medicines and remedies in your home is free. Then as we create more detailed and specific herbal creations, in up coming months with the herbs that are revealing themselves, membership and access to these resources is €33 Per Month.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app