Yoni Steaming has been one of the most beautifully healing and powerful herbal rememberings to help shift energetic stagnation and a powerful herbal ritual that has deeply helped shift any pain or cramping during my bleed.
I do a yoni steam once or twice a month, but follow your own inner guidance as to how often you'd like to gift yourself this 20-30 min powerfully soothing and healing ritual.
I have found the best time for me to yoni steam is right after my bleed every month.
In many traditions, it is also done after childbirth.
Ingredients: Organically grown Rosemary, Lavender, Rose petals, Nettle.
How to Yoni Steam:
Place 1-2 Tablespoons of herbs into a pot. Pour in 1.5L of water and heat on medium-high heat for 10mins. Cover and let it sit for 5 mins off the heat.
heck that the herbal steam feels gentle and loving for you. Get into a comfortable position over your herbal steam then steam for about 20-30mins. Allowing this to be a deeply nourishing time for yourself. Breathe deeply into your body, feeling your channels open and receive.
Each Yoni Steam Herbal Bag contains herbs for 12-20 steams.
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